Moving With Children: Tips For Parents In Queens

Moving can be an overwhelming process for anyone, but it can be especially challenging when children are involved. The physical act of packing and moving belongings from one location to another is just one piece of the puzzle. There is also the emotional aspect of leaving the familiar behind and venturing into a new and unknown environment.

Parents often grapple with how to balance their practical moving tasks with the emotional support their children need during this transition. In the borough of Queens, where vibrant communities create a warm, neighborly atmosphere, moving can feel like uprooting from a closely-knit family.

However, it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With the right approach and support, such as that provided by New York Local Movers (NYLM), a family can successfully navigate the moving process. This article aims to provide parents in Queens with practical tips and strategies to get their children involved in the decision-making process for the family move.

Understanding the Impact of Moving on Children

moving with children tips for parents in queens, impact kids, old apartment

Relocating to a new city is a significant change that can have varying impacts on children, depending on their age, maturity, and prior experiences with change. According to research by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology, the effects can range from academic issues to difficulty making new friends or separating from parents, as well as increased stress, anxiety, or even depression.

It’s crucial to recognize these potential impacts and address them proactively to ensure a smooth transition for your children.

Observing Changes in Behavior and Performance

A clear sign that a child is having difficulty with a move can be seen in their behavior or academic performance at school. They may exhibit changes like acting out, getting into trouble, or seeing a drop in their grades. 

These could be their ways of expressing their feelings of frustration or confusion about the move. Keep an open line of communication with their teachers to stay updated on any notable changes.

Difficulty in Making New Friends

The fear of the unknown can be daunting for children, especially when it comes to making new friends. They may feel anxious about whether they will be accepted or fit into their new environment. Encourage them to participate in local activities, join clubs, or engage in community events to help them integrate and make new friends.

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

The combination of leaving familiar surroundings and adapting to an entirely new environment can lead to increased stress and anxiety in children. In more severe cases, they may even experience symptoms of depression. If you notice that your child is unusually withdrawn, irritable, or exhibiting changes in sleep or eating patterns, it might be worth seeking professional help.

Minimizing the Negative Impact of Moving on Children

While moving can be challenging, there are ways to mitigate the negative effects and make the transition smoother for your children. Explaining the reason for the move, getting them involved in their new community, and maintaining open lines of communication can significantly alleviate the stress associated with moving.

1. Openly Discuss the Move

Talk to your children about why you’re moving and what it will mean for the family. Give them a platform to voice their concerns, questions, and feelings about the move. Encourage them to express themselves openly, reinforcing that their feelings are valid and understandable.

2. Involve Your Kids in the Planning and Decoration

Allow your children to take part in the moving process. From packing their things to deciding how their new rooms will look, getting them involved can make them feel more invested in the move. This involvement can also divert their attention from the uncertainties to the exciting aspects of the local move.

3. Encourage Community Involvement

Once you move, encourage your children to participate in community activities or join local clubs. This participation can foster a sense of belonging and help them make new friends. It’s also a great way to explore and familiarize themselves with their new environment.

4. Maintain Connections with Old Friends

Just because you’ve moved doesn’t mean your kids moving away have to lose touch with their friends from the old neighborhood. With today’s technology, staying connected is easier than ever. Regular video calls, texts, and social media can help maintain these important relationships. If possible, you might even plan visits to your old city.

5. Continual Communication and Support

Continue to check in with your children throughout the entire moving process. Talk about their feelings and experiences in the new city and school. Remember, reassurance, and understanding go a long way in helping children adapt to a new situation. If necessary, don’t hesitate to seek professional help to ensure your child’s emotional well-being is being cared for.

Navigating the Move with Kids of Different Ages

job changes, feel confident, big transitions

Every child is unique, and the impact on kids due to moving will depend on their age, personality, and emotional maturity. While a toddler might not grasp the concept of moving, a teenager could be deeply impacted by the thought of leaving friends and familiar surroundings. Here, we offer some age-specific guidance on how to help your children manage a move.

Relocating with Children Ages 0 to 5

Moving with very young children can be a unique challenge as they might not fully understand the concept of moving. But, with a little creativity, you can help them navigate through this big change.

  • Fulfill Basic Needs: Regardless of the chaos that moving might bring, ensure their basic needs like meals, nap time, and playtime are met consistently. This helps provide a sense of normalcy amidst the change.
  • Use Storytelling: Use children’s books about moving to help your child understand the concept. Visual aids can help simplify the process and make it less intimidating.
  • Involve Them in Packing: As you pack their belongings, explain what you’re doing to reassure them that their favorite toys and clothes are not being discarded but will accompany them to the new home.
  • Maintain Familiarity: Retaining familiar items like bedroom furniture or large toys can offer a sense of comfort and continuity in the new environment.
  • Keep Routines: As much as possible, maintain your child’s regular routines during the move. This can provide them with a sense of security and predictability.

Moving with Kids Ages 6 to 12

For school-aged children, the process of moving house can bring a mix of excitement and anxiety. Including them in the process and emphasizing the positive aspects can ease their transition.

  • Include Them in the Process: When it comes to older kids, let them participate in packing their own belongings for the actual move. Give them a say in decisions related to their new room, like color schemes or furniture placement.
  • Address School Changes: Gather information about their new school and make the necessary arrangements. Help them to visualize their new learning environment by showing pictures or videos, if available.
  • Make School Reservations: Be proactive about securing their seats in the new school and facilitating a smooth transition. Keep all essential documents ready to avoid last-minute hiccups.
  • Promote Excitement: Paint a positive picture of the new place, focusing on the opportunities for new friendships, activities, and experiences. Encourage them to view the move as an exciting adventure.

Moving with Children Ages 13 to 19

Relocating with teenagers can be particularly challenging given their deeper emotional connections with friends and their established lifestyle. Demonstrating empathy, getting older children involved in the process, and focusing on the positives can be helpful strategies for a smooth family move.

  • Validate Their Emotions: Acknowledge their feelings about leaving their friends and familiar places. Be patient and supportive, encouraging open dialogue about their concerns.
  • Prioritize Education: If possible, consider the timing of your move to minimize disruption to their academic calendar, especially during critical examination periods.
  • Highlight Opportunities: Discuss the benefits that come with moving, such as new experiences, diverse cultures, different academic opportunities, or potential for personal growth.
  • Encourage Participation: Involve them in significant decisions related to the move, such as choosing the new home or exploring the new neighborhood. This can help them feel more invested and in control of the situation.
  • Facilitate Connection: Help your teenager maintain connections with their old friends through social media, video calls, and periodic visits.

Post-Relocation Tasks for Your Kids

Once you’ve moved to the new location, it makes a big difference when you focus on helping your children settle into their new environment. This involves maintaining routines for younger children, encouraging exploration for middle-aged kids, and promoting independence for teenagers.

  • For kids under six years old: Prioritize establishing familiar routines as quickly as possible. Set up designated play areas to help them feel comfortable and secure in the new house.
  • For children aged 6-12: Encourage them to explore their new home and unpack their belongings. Help them get familiar with the new neighborhood and involve them in local activities to facilitate friendships.
  • For teenagers: Allow them to explore the community independently, meet new friends, and take on responsibilities. Keep an open dialogue about their feelings and monitor their mental health during this period.

In the end, remember that moving is a process, and each child will adjust at their own pace. Keep communication open, remain patient, and offer support as needed, so your children can successfully navigate the transition to their new home.

Read More: Commercial Moving Services in Queens: What You Need to Know

The Moving Process

oz moving, quality time, great tips

Moving with kids involves a series of stages. From the early stages of planning and preparation to the moving day and settling in, every stage demands strategic planning and execution. The following sections will provide you with comprehensive guidance on how to effectively navigate each of these stages.

Preparations Before the Move

Preparing for a move several weeks in advance demands a significant amount of planning and coordination. However, avoiding procrastination and starting early can make the process more manageable. Here’s how you can start preparing:

  • Open Communication: To ensure the whole family is on the same page, begin by talking to your new kid and other children about leaving the old house and the move. This conversation should take place well before moving day to give them ample time to process the information. Share your own experiences, answer their questions, and address their concerns in a positive manner. This can alleviate some of the anxiety they may feel.
  • Maintaining Positivity: Children can easily pick up on their parent’s emotions. So, maintaining a positive and calm demeanor throughout the process is essential. If you feel stressed, take a break, and seek support from other adults. Maintaining positivity through your own stress can help ensure your children feel part of a strong support network and less vulnerable.
  • Transfer School Records: Make arrangements to have your children’s school records transferred to their new school. This ensures a smooth academic transition and saves you from last-minute hassle.
  • Make Packing Fun: Turn packing into an engaging activity for your children. Provide them with their own boxes and guide them on how to pack their belongings properly. This not only helps you with packing but also gives them a sense of responsibility.
  • Neighborhood Research: Encourage your children to learn more about the new neighborhood. Look for nearby parks, attractions, and clubs together. This can give them something exciting to look forward to.
  • Hire Professional Movers: If your budget allows, consider hiring a professional moving company to handle the heavy lifting. This can significantly reduce the stress of moving and allows you to focus more on your family.

Moving Day Essentials

A well-packed essentials bag can be a lifesaver when the movers arrive on a moving day and during the first night in your new home. Here are some items you should consider packing:

  • Medical Supplies: Include necessary medications and a basic first-aid kit.
  • Clothing: Pack enough clothing and pajamas for a couple of days.
  • Baby Essentials: If you have small children, remember to pack diapers, wipes, formula, and breastfeeding essentials.
  • Entertainment: Pack a few favorite toys, books, and an iPad loaded with games or movies to keep them entertained.
  • Feeding Supplies: Don’t forget snacks, sippy cups, bottles, and other feeding necessities.
  • Hygiene Items: Pack essential bath items and a few extra bags for dirty diapers or clothes.
  • Comfort Items: Blankets, pillows, and extra pacifiers can help soothe younger children.
  • Strollers and Car Seats: These are essential for both travel and use at your new home.

As soon as you arrive at your new apartment, establish a comfortable space for your child in their new room with their favorite items. This can help make the new environment feel more familiar and comforting.

Settling In After the Move

Adjusting to a new home and environment takes time. Here are some suggestions to help your kids settle into their new home:

  • House Tour: Start with a fun tour of the house. Let your children explore their new surroundings. Highlight interesting areas in and around the house to pique their curiosity.
  • Room Decoration: If possible, let your children choose the paint color for their room. They could also help with the painting, which could be a fun and engaging activity that makes them feel more connected to their new space.
  • Meet the Neighbors: Take time to meet your new neighbors. If there are children of similar age, this could provide your kids with instant playmates, helping them feel more at home.

With patience, empathy, and strategic planning, you can ensure that the process of moving becomes a positive experience for your entire family. Remember, it’s normal for adjustment to take some time, but with your guidance and support, your kids will soon feel at home in their new surroundings.

How New York Local Movers (NYLM) Can Help You Moving with Children?

Moving can be a stressful event, especially when children are involved. But at New York Local Movers (NYLM), we provide a unique service specifically designed to assist families with children during relocation. We understand the complexities involved in moving with kids, and our mission is to make this transition as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Comprehensive Planning

At NYLM, we believe in comprehensive planning to ensure a seamless move. Our team of professional movers collaborates with you to understand your unique requirements. Whether you’re worried about packing your children’s belongings or arranging their new rooms, our experts are there to assist you every step of the way.

  1. Detailed Consultation: We initiate the process with an in-depth consultation, taking into account your child’s needs, fears, and excitement about the move.
  2. Customized Planning: We then develop a customized moving plan, focusing on minimizing disruption to your children’s routines.
  3. Child-Friendly Materials: To keep your children engaged, we provide child-friendly packing materials, turning the daunting task of packing into an enjoyable activity.

Moving Day Assistance

We understand that the actual moving day can be overwhelming. Our professional movers are trained to handle this chaos with patience and efficiency.

  1. Careful Packing: We ensure your children’s belongings are packed with care and arrive safely at your new home.
  2. On-Site Support: Our team is present on-site to ensure a hassle-free moving experience, leaving you with more time to focus on your children.
  3. Safety Measures: With safety as our priority, we take necessary precautions to prevent any accidents or mishaps during the move.

Post-Move Assistance

Settling in a new home can be challenging, especially for children. Our post-move assistance aims at making this process easier for your family.

  1. Unpacking Help: We help in unpacking and arranging your children’s rooms to make them feel comfortable and at ease.
  2. Resource Guide: We provide a resource guide with information about nearby parks, schools, and other child-friendly places in your new neighborhood.
  3. 24/7 Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support is available to address any post-move concerns or queries.


Moving with children can indeed be a complex endeavor, but with NYLM, you can experience a stress-free relocation. Our ‘Moving with Children’ service is tailored to prioritize your children’s comfort and ensure a smooth transition to your new home.

Reach out to us today, and let us facilitate a moving experience that your family will remember positively. Your peace of mind is our ultimate goal.


What can I do to prepare my child for the move?

Start by having open discussions about the move, making the process a fun activity, and involving them in packing and decorating their new rooms. It’s also important to maintain their routine and ensure their comfort during the process.

What services do you offer in the ‘Moving with Children’ service?

Our service includes comprehensive planning, moving day assistance, and post-move assistance. We provide customized moving plans, child-friendly packing materials, on-site support, safety measures, unpacking help, a resource guide, and 24/7 customer support.

How can NYLM help on the actual moving day?

Our professional movers are trained to handle the chaos of moving day with efficiency. They ensure the safe packing and transport of your children’s belongings, provide on-site support and take necessary safety precautions.

What post-move assistance do you provide?

Our post-move assistance includes helping in unpacking and arranging your children’s rooms, providing a resource guide with information about nearby child-friendly places, and offering 24/7 customer support to address any concerns or queries.

Why should I choose NYLM for moving with children?

NYLM understands the complexities involved in moving with kids. Our dedicated ‘Moving with Children’ service is specifically designed to provide a seamless and stress-free moving experience, prioritizing your children’s comfort and needs. Our comprehensive services, from detailed planning to post-move assistance, make us the right choice for families planning to relocate.

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