Commercial Moving Services In Queens: What You Need To Know

Choosing the right commercial moving services in Queens can be a daunting task, especially when you are relocating your business. The process can be time-consuming and stressful, and any mistake could potentially disrupt your operations. That’s where New York Local Movers (NYLM), your go-to professional commercial movers in Queens, come in to meet all your commercial moving needs.

With our deep understanding of Queens and a dedicated team of professional movers, we are committed to providing you with top-notch services to ensure your move is as smooth as possible. We recognize the importance of minimizing downtime and maintaining business continuity during this transition, which is why we are available 24/7 to accommodate your schedule.

Our extensive range of services is designed to handle all your needs, from packing and moving to storage, ensuring a seamless and stress-free move.

Planning for Your Smooth Commercial Move In Queens: Time is Key

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Relocating your office can be a significant undertaking, but with meticulous planning and organization, you can ensure a seamless transition with minimal disruption to your operations. Whether you take on the task of packing and moving or hire professionals like New York Local Movers (NYLM), understanding the key steps in the process can help you maintain control and efficiency throughout.

1. Formulating a Solid Relocation Plan

Having a well-structured plan and a dedicated team is paramount to a successful commercial move. This plan should account for the physical aspects of packing and moving, as well as the coordination needed amongst your employees and potentially multiple departments.

2. Three Months Prior to the Move

  • Select a Move Coordinator: This person will have overarching responsibility for the entire move and should assemble a team of employees to assist if necessary.
  • Choose a Move-in Date: Establishing this timeline early will help keep everyone on track.
  • Establish Your Formal Relocation Policy: This policy will guide the entire move process and help answer any employee questions.
  • Begin Tracking Moving Expenses: Early tracking can help you stay within budget and address any unexpected costs proactively.

3. Two Months Out

  • Inform Your Current Landlord: You should notify your current landlord about your move to adhere to any contractual obligations.
  • Organize the Necessities for Your New Location: This includes arranging for insurance and ensuring systems like phones and internet will be installed and ready.
  • Motivate Your Employees: Get your team excited about the move with regular updates and possibly even planning a celebration.
  • Write a Press Release: This will help notify your community about the impending change, and it can also serve as a marketing opportunity.

4. One Month Out

  • Begin the Packing Process: Encourage employees to start clearing personal items and packing their workspace. If you’re dealing with substantial office equipment, consider employing professional office movers for safe and efficient packing.
  • Contact Utility Companies: Schedule to have services disconnected at your current location and connected at your new office.
  • Announce Your New Location: Notify all key stakeholders of your business, such as:
    • Current and prospective customers
    • Vendors and contractors
    • Banks and insurance providers
    • External advisors such as accountants, payroll specialists, and legal advisers
    • Advertisers
    • All tax bureaus
    • Appropriate tax assessors

5. One Week Out

  • Clear Out Storage Lockers: Ensure all items are properly packed and labeled.
  • Take Inventory: Make a list of everything to be moved and mark those items that will not be moved.
  • Backup Computer Systems: Protect your data by backing up all systems.
  • Finalize the Move: Confirm the final details with your moving company, close safety deposit boxes, and redirect all incoming mail and orders as needed.

6. Move-Out Day

On the day of the move, gather your employees for a briefing on the day’s process. The move coordinator should assign roles to those assisting with the movers at both the current and new locations. Perform a final inspection to ensure nothing is left behind.

7. Move-In Day

On move-in day, a team or a representative from your company should be present at the new location to guide the movers. As items are unpacked, take inventory, and note their condition. Any damages should be reported immediately to the moving company. Don’t forget to collect all receipts for moving expenses.

Preparing for Your Relocation

business location, office moving, new business location

Everyone in the company has a role to play in a successful office relocation. From purging unnecessary items to packing personal belongings and workspace essentials, every employee’s effort counts.

Company-wide purging should also be initiated. Records that have reached their predetermined storage timelines should be moved to permanent storage well in advance. This not only reduces the amount to be moved but also saves time and cost.

Labeling is another important part of the preparation if your employees are handling most of the packing. A detailed plan describing the positioning of everything in the new office should be provided to the moving company. This helps ensure everything is placed correctly on move-in day, saving you from rearranging later.

Read More: Guide to Moving Long-Distance from Queens

Special Packing Considerations

When packing for a commercial move, certain items require special attention. These include desks, filing cabinets, bookcases, pictures and bulletin boards, small office machines, and large office machines.

  • Desks: Desks should be emptied with loose items sealed in envelopes or bags. Loose papers, organizers, and books kept on top of desks should be packed in boxes.
  • Upright Filing Cabinets: These can be moved with the contents in place, just secure the drawers and lock or tape them shut.
  • Lateral Filing Cabinets: These need to be emptied before moving, with all contents packed in containers and labeled.
  • Bookcases: These should be emptied and partially disassembled with books packed in containers and shelves and hardware kept in a sealed bag or envelope.
  • Pictures and Bulletin Boards: Removed from the wall and packed carefully in containers.
  • Small Office Machines: Cords should be disconnected, labeled, and packed in a sealed bag or carton. The machines should be left for the movers.
  • Large Office Machines: Large machines, like copiers and computers, may need professional servicing before moving. Contact your vendors to arrange this.

Planning and implementing an office move is no small task, but with these guidelines, your business can ensure a smooth transition to its new location.

How to Choose the Right Commercial Moving Company In Queens

retail space, moving coordinator, satisfied clients

Relocating your business to a new location can be a complex and challenging process, and choosing the right commercial relocation services is an essential part of ensuring a smooth transition. 

You want a company that is reliable, efficient, and capable of handling the unique needs of a commercial move. Here are eight factors to consider to ensure you select the most suitable moving company for your needs.

1. Experience and Expertise in Commercial Moving

When considering different moving companies, one of the first things to check is their experience and expertise in commercial moving. Not all moving companies specialize in business relocations, which tend to be more complicated than residential moves due to factors such as complex IT equipment and large pieces of furniture.

Look for a company with a solid track record of successfully executing commercial moves and ask for case studies or references if available. This will give you peace of mind knowing that they understand the intricacies of commercial relocations and are equipped to handle any challenges that may arise.

2. Comprehensive Services

Ensure the moving company you choose provides a comprehensive suite of services that cover all aspects of the move, from packing to setting up at the new location. This could include packing and unpacking services, disassembly and assembly of furniture, and setup of IT infrastructure.

A company offering comprehensive services can streamline your move, as you won’t have to deal with multiple service providers and can ensure that all aspects of the move are coordinated effectively.

3. Licensing and Insurance

It’s crucial to choose commercial movers that are licensed and insured. This not only speaks to the company’s legitimacy but also provides protection in case of any damage to your property during the move.

Ask to see proof of the company’s license and insurance and verify the information with the appropriate regulatory bodies. Make sure the company’s insurance policy covers the full value of your items in case of loss or damage.

4. Positive Reviews and Recommendations

The reputation of a moving company can often indicate the quality of service they provide. Look for a company with positive reviews and recommendations from previous clients. 

Online reviews, testimonials, and ratings can offer insight into the experiences of other businesses with the company. Additionally, you can ask for recommendations from other business owners in your network who have recently relocated.

5. Customer Service

Outstanding customer service should be a priority when selecting a commercial moving company. The company should be responsive, attentive to your needs, and willing to go the extra mile to ensure a successful move. 

Look for companies that offer personal consultation or a dedicated move coordinator to oversee the process. A high level of customer service can make the moving process much less stressful and more efficient.

6. Transparent Pricing

Transparent pricing is another critical factor in choosing a commercial moving company. Ensure the company provides a detailed estimate that includes all potential costs and that they explain any additional fees that may arise. 

This will help prevent unexpected costs and help you budget for the move more accurately. Be wary of any company that provides an estimate without conducting a thorough evaluation of your needs.

7. Availability and Flexibility

Consider the company’s availability and flexibility to accommodate your preferred moving timeline. The moving company should be able to work with your schedule and have the capacity to handle your move on the dates you’ve planned. They should also demonstrate flexibility in dealing with any last-minute changes or unforeseen circumstances.

8. Familiarity with Local Area

If your move is local, like within Queens, choose Queens commercial movers that are familiar with the local area, including regulations, traffic patterns, and the best routes. This familiarity can help ensure an efficient move and reduce the chances of delays.

Why Choose Commercial Moving Services at New York Local Movers (NYLM)

New York Local Movers (NYLM) is your premier choice for commercial moving services in the New York area. With our professional, experienced team and comprehensive range of services, we provide a seamless transition that minimizes disruption to your business. Here’s an in-depth look at the standout features of our commercial moving service.

1. Expertise in Commercial Moving

At NYLM, we pride ourselves on our extensive expertise in commercial moving. Our team is:

  • Well-versed in the unique requirements and challenges of relocating businesses, both large and small.
  • Trained to handle sensitive equipment, including computers, servers, and other IT infrastructure.
  • Capable of efficiently moving large items, like office furniture and machinery.

This expertise ensures we can provide a smooth, efficient move that respects your time and business needs.

2. Comprehensive Services

We offer a full suite of services to cover every aspect of your commercial move. Our offerings include:

  • Professional packing and unpacking: Our team takes care of safely packing all your office items and unpacking them at the new location.
  • Furniture disassembly and assembly: As experienced office movers, we handle the breakdown and setup of all office furniture, reducing the burden on your team.
  • IT setup: Our specialists ensure your technology infrastructure is properly relocated and set up in the new office, minimizing downtime.

3. Unparalleled Customer Service

At NYLM, we’re dedicated to providing outstanding customer service to ensure your move is as stress-free as possible. We:

  • Assign a dedicated move coordinator to oversee the entire process and answer any questions you may have.
  • Work closely with you to understand your specific needs and tailor our services accordingly.
  • Go the extra mile to ensure all your expectations are met, and any issues are promptly resolved.

4. Transparent and Competitive Pricing

We understand that moving can be a significant investment, which is why we offer:

  • Transparent pricing: We provide detailed quotes with no hidden fees, so you know exactly what to expect.
  • Competitive rates: Our pricing is competitive, offering exceptional value for the top-quality service we provide.

5. Local Area Knowledge

Our in-depth knowledge of the New York area is another reason businesses trust us for their relocation needs. We:

  • We are familiar with local traffic patterns and routes, enabling us to plan efficient moves that avoid unnecessary delays.
  • Understand local regulations related to moving and packing, ensuring your move is compliant.

At New York Local Movers, we’re more than just a moving company—we’re your trusted partner in your commercial relocation journey. We go above and beyond to ensure your local move is efficient, smooth, and hassle-free. Contact us today to learn more about our commercial moving services.


Relocating your office is an intricate task that requires careful planning, organization, and the right moving company to make it a success. Our comprehensive guide aims to help you navigate this process smoothly and efficiently. Remember, with the right approach, your office move can be an exciting opportunity for growth and change.

If you’re looking for a reliable and professional moving service, New York Local Movers (NYLM) is here for you. Our team of experts specializes in commercial relocations, ensuring your business is moved with minimal disruption. We’re ready to help you transition seamlessly into your new office space.

Contact us today and let’s make your business relocation a smooth and successful venture.


What should I consider when choosing a commercial moving company?

When selecting a moving company, consider their experience, services offered, customer service, pricing, and local area knowledge. It’s also recommended to check their online reviews and ask for references.

How far in advance should I plan my office relocation?

Planning an office move can be a complex process, so it’s generally recommended to start at least three months in advance. This will give you enough time to notify all relevant parties, organize the move, and minimize disruption to your business.

What services does NYLM offer for commercial moves?

At NYLM, we offer a full suite of commercial moving services. These include professional packing and unpacking, furniture disassembly and assembly, IT setup, and more. We also assign a dedicated move coordinator to oversee the entire process.

How can I ensure minimal business disruption during the move?

Planning well in advance, communicating effectively with your employees, and hiring a professional moving service like NYLM can help minimize business disruption. Our team will work with you to ensure a smooth transition, allowing you to maintain business operations during the move.

What if I have sensitive equipment that needs to be moved?

At NYLM, we have a team trained to handle sensitive equipment, including IT infrastructure. We’ll ensure your equipment is safely and securely moved to your new location and set up properly.

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