Student Moving Services In Queens: What You Need To Know

When it comes to student moving services in Queens, understanding the process can make all the difference for a smooth transition. Moving, especially for students, can be both exciting and daunting, primarily if they’ve never lived independently before.

This transition often entails a myriad of tasks, including packing, transportation, and settling into a new environment, which can be overwhelming. However, with reliable student moving services in Queens, students can embark on this new journey with minimized stress.

These college moving services are specially tailored to accommodate the unique needs of college students, particularly those transitioning to and from campus housing or a new dorm, taking into account the common challenges faced by students when relocating.

This includes limited budgets, moving delicate items like computers or musical instruments, and often, a lack of experience in organizing a significant move. By choosing the right student movers in NYC, who are also skilled residential movers, you ensure a stress-free move that lets you focus on starting your new chapter in Queens with enthusiasm and ease.

Essential Moving Checklist for Students Moving to Queens

student moving services in queens, student movers nyc, storage services

When it comes to moving into student accommodations, being proactive is key. Having a comprehensive, printable student moving checklist to hand can help you make your move more seamless and stress-free. From furniture shipping to setting up the Wi-Fi, this guide has got you covered.

1. Important Documents

Paperwork might not be the most exciting aspect of moving, but it’s critical. The following documents are essential for your move to college, particularly during your first few weeks. To prevent loss, make duplicates of all these items and keep them together in a secure file.

  • Passport photos: You might need these for various administrative processes.
  • Your course acceptance letter: This confirms your enrollment in your chosen course.
  • Official documents: All official college documents, including your acceptance letter.
  • Student Finance documents: These are critical for managing your finances while in school.
  • National Insurance card: You never know when you might need it.
  • A valid ID: Your passport or driving license can come in handy.

Remember to have your bank account details handy as well. This ensures that any financial transactions you need to make while at school can be handled with ease.

2. Entertainment/Electrical Items

College life isn’t all about studying; you need time to unwind and relax. Entertainment is a crucial part of this balance. It’s advisable to check with your college administration about what electrical items you can bring. However, some standard items include:

  • Headphones: For those study sessions where you need to block out the world.
  • Cable adapters: Different devices have different cable requirements.
  • Computer/laptop and charger: Essential for your studies and entertainment.
  • Extension leads: Just in case your device’s cable doesn’t quite reach the socket.
  • Hair styling tools and hairdryer: To look your best at all times.
  • Phone and charger: To stay connected with friends and family.
  • HDMI cable, Ethernet cable: For your tech needs.
  • External hard drive: For that extra storage space.

3. Clothing

Of course, you’ll bring clothes to college, but it’s the specifics that matter. This list covers everything from daily essentials to items for special occasions:

  • Formal shoes and clothing: For those official school events or interviews.
  • Smart-casual clothing: Perfect for informal gatherings or when you want to look stylish but relaxed.
  • Comfortable clothing and everyday shoes: These will probably be your most worn items.
  • Nightwear, swimwear, seasonal clothing, and gym gear: Don’t forget your pajamas, swim trunks, winter gear, and workout clothes.
  • Clothes hangers, dressing gown, and backpack: Essentials for organizing and carrying your belongings.

Don’t forget themed clothing for parties!

4. Academic Items

You don’t need to bring all your academic supplies from home; most colleges have shops that provide the necessary stationery items. However, there are some essentials you should have:

  • Sticky notes and paper clips: Perfect for organizing your notes.
  • Sell tape, stapler, and staples: Handy for a variety of tasks.
  • Highlighters, pencils, and pens: You can’t take notes without them.
  • Planner, diary, or journal: Ideal for keeping track of assignments and deadlines.

Wait to buy textbooks until you’ve assessed the situation at college. They take up a lot of space, and you might find them in the library or borrow them from classmates.

5. Kitchen Supplies

Even if you plan on eating out a lot, you’ll need some kitchen supplies for those times you want to cook or store leftovers:

  • Pot and pan: For all your cooking needs.
  • Plates, cups, mugs, and bowls: To serve your meals.
  • Fork, knife, spoon: You can’t eat without them!
  • Dish soap and scrub brush: To keep your utensils clean.
  • Tupperware: For storing leftovers.
  • Can opener: You never know when you’ll need it.

6. Room Essentials

Even though most college rooms come furnished, there are still things you’ll need to make the space more comfortable and suitable for studying:

  • Alarm: So you never miss a class.
  • Pillows, bed sheets, duvet, and mattress protector: For a comfortable sleep.
  • Clothes hangers: To keep your wardrobe organized.
  • Mini iron and ironing board and mini sewing kit: To keep your clothes in good shape.
  • Storage: For organizing your belongings.
  • Doorstop, lamp, earplugs: For your comfort and convenience.
  • Bulletin board/dry-erase board: Perfect for reminders and notes.

7. Toiletries

Hygiene is important, so having a stock of toiletries is essential. These items should be on your list:

  • Razors, clippers, tweezers: For grooming.
  • Floss and toothpaste, soaps, shower stuff: To maintain hygiene.
  • Hair styling products: To look your best.
  • Lotion: To keep your skin moisturized.
  • Medicine and bandages: For minor health issues.

8. Miscellaneous Items

These items might not seem important, but they can come in handy:

  • Beach towel: For those trips to the beach or pool.
  • Playing cards, books: For relaxation and entertainment.
  • A torch, Swiss army knife, batteries: You never know when they’ll be useful.
  • Handheld Hoover toolkit: For minor repairs and cleaning.
  • Sports equipment: If you plan on participating in sports.

9. Essential Non-Essentials

These items aren’t exactly essentials, but they can make your room feel more like home:

  • Pictures of friends and family: To combat homesickness.
  • Fake plants, cushions, throw blankets: To add a personal touch to your space.
  • Full-length mirror/wall mirror: So you can always look your best.

10. Other Stuff

Lastly, don’t forget these items that you might not immediately think of:

  • Cleaning supplies: To keep your room clean.
  • Storage containers: To organize your belongings.
  • Household products: Ziploc bags, trash bags, light bulbs.
  • Home Insurance: To protect your valuable items like laptops, mobile phones, and cards.

This comprehensive checklist provided by our professional moving company should give college students a good start in preparing for their move to the dorm room. Remember, moving can be stressful, but with the right preparation, it can also be an exciting adventure!

Read More: Advantages of Using Storage Facilities During Your Brooklyn Move

Moving Day Tips for Students Moving to Queens

professional moving company, full service storage

Moving day is an exciting and nerve-wracking experience, especially for students. The process can be full of unknowns and challenges. However, if you prepare yourself adequately, you can avoid many common moving day pitfalls. Here are 14 essential moving day tips that can help you transition smoothly into your new home.

1. Create a checklist

The Importance of a Checklist

One of the most effective ways to stay organized during the interstate moving process is to create a checklist of packing supplies and moving supplies. With all the tasks that need to be accomplished, it’s easy to forget something crucial. A checklist helps to ensure that everything gets done and nothing is overlooked.

What to Include in Your Checklist

Begin with big items, such as confirming your move-in date and scheduling student movers, a commercial moving service with over a decade of experience in the moving industry, if necessary. Then, list all the items you need to pack, broken down by room for easier organization. Make sure to also include tasks like forwarding your mail, setting up utilities at your new home, and returning any borrowed items.

2. Label Your Boxes

The Benefits of Labeling

It may seem like a minor detail, but labeling your boxes can make unpacking much easier and quicker. This step allows you to know exactly where everything is and where it should go in your new home.

How to Label Your Boxes

When labeling, be sure to write on the sides of the boxes rather than the tops, as this makes them easier to identify when stacked. You can use a simple system, such as indicating the room the box belongs to and listing a few of the main items inside.

3. Roll Your Clothing Items

Why Roll Clothes?

Most people are familiar with the conventional method of folding clothes, but when it comes to moving, rolling your clothes can be a game-changer. This technique saves space and helps prevent wrinkles, so you won’t have to worry about ironing everything when you unpack.

The Right Way to Roll

To roll your clothes, lay each item flat, smooth out any wrinkles, and then roll from the bottom up. You might be surprised at how much more you can fit into your suitcase or box this way!

4. Carry an Empty Bag

full time employees,

The Role of the Empty Bag

You never know when you might need an extra bag on a moving day. A few boxes or an empty bag can come in handy for last-minute items or things you might need to access easily during the off-campus move, such as snacks, phone chargers, or important documents.

Choosing Your Bag

Choose a bag that’s durable and easy to carry. An empty tote bag or backpack is perfect for this purpose. You can also pack a smaller bag for personal items you’ll need during the move, like your wallet, keys, and cell phone.

5. Copy Your Documents

Keeping Your Documents Safe

Moving can be chaotic, and the last thing you want is to lose important documents in the process. Make copies of crucial paperwork, such as your passport, driver’s license, and insurance information. This not only protects you in case of loss or damage but also ensures you have access to these documents when needed.

Digital Copies

You might also consider creating digital copies of important documents. Scan them and save the files in a secure cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive. This way, you can access them from anywhere, anytime.

6. Talk to Your Roommate in Advance

Establishing a Good Relationship

If you’re a college student moving into shared campus accommodation or a new dorm room, take some time to connect with your roommate before dorm room movers arrive on a moving day. Establishing a good relationship from the start can help you avoid conflicts down the line.

Discussing Expectations

Talk about your expectations for living together. Discuss topics like cleaning responsibilities, noise levels, guests, and sharing food or other items. It’s better to have these conversations early on to prevent misunderstandings.

7. Download Useful Apps

Making Your Move Easier

There are countless apps available that can make your move easier, especially if you’re moving from San Diego to Queens, with our full-service storage and moving companies. From organizing your packing list to navigating your new city, there’s an app for almost every aspect of moving. If you’re moving to a new city or country, local public transport apps and Google Maps can be invaluable.

8. Wear Comfortable Clothes

The Importance of Comfort

Moving day, especially for dorm room movers working for commercial moving services, is not the time for fashion statements. Comfort is key since you’ll likely be doing a lot of lifting, bending, and walking. Choose clothes that are easy to move in and suitable for the day’s weather.

Appropriate Clothing Choices

Opt for breathable fabrics like cotton in warm weather or layers that you can add or remove as needed in cooler temperatures. Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes – your feet will thank you!

9. Check the Weather

Be Prepared

Weather can have a significant impact on your moving day, particularly when it involves a few boxes, packing supplies, moving supplies, and interstate moving services. Check the forecast in the days leading up to your move so you can prepare accordingly.

In Case of Bad Weather

If bad weather is expected, consider what steps you can take to protect your belongings during the move. You might need to wrap items in plastic or invest in waterproof boxes. If extreme weather is predicted, you might even consider rescheduling your move.

10. Stay Hydrated

Staying Energized

Moving can be physically demanding, and it’s easy to get so caught up in the process that you forget to take care of yourself. Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining your energy levels and preventing heatstroke in warm weather.

Hydration Tips

Keep a water bottle on hand, and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink. If you’re moving in hot weather, consider beverages with electrolytes to replace what you lose through sweat.

11. Be in Touch With Your Student Accommodation Staff

The Value of Communication

Your accommodation staff are there to help you. They can provide important information about your new home and its surrounding area. Be sure to keep in touch with them throughout your moving process.

Making the Most of Your Staff

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. The staff can provide insights about the best transportation options, local amenities, and more. They can also help you navigate any issues that arise during your move-in process.

12. Sell Unwanted Stuff

service moving, moving crews

Lightening Your Load

One good way to make moving easier (and maybe even make a little money) is to sell items you no longer need or want. This not only lightens your load on moving day but also gives you a cleaner, fresher start in your new place.

How to Sell

There are numerous online platforms where you can sell used items. Consider eBay, Craigslist, or local Facebook selling groups. Remember, one person’s trash is another person’s treasure!

13. Label Electrics

Avoiding Confusion

When you’re disconnecting electronics, it can be easy to forget what goes where. To avoid this issue, label your cords and cables before you disconnect them.

Labeling Tips

You can use colored stickers, labels, or even just pieces of masking tape and a marker. Simply write what the cable is for or where it connects, and you’ll save yourself a lot of time and frustration when setting things up in your new place.

14. Spend Some Time With Your Family

Saying Goodbye

Moving, especially if you’re going to a new city or country, can be an emotional time. Be sure to set aside some time to spend with your family before you leave.

Making Memories

Do something special together, whether it’s having a family dinner, going for a walk in your favorite park, or just spending an evening at home. These moments can provide comfort and wonderful memories during the transition to your new home.

Why You Need to Hire New York Local Movers (NYLM)

New York Local Movers (NYLM) is a leading moving company providing top-tier services to students across New York City and beyond. With years of experience, we’ve developed an array of offerings to make your move as stress-free and seamless as possible. Let’s explore what makes us a premier choice for your next move.

1. Experienced and Professional Staff

At NYLM, we take pride in our experienced and professional staff who are trained to handle your belongings with the utmost care and respect. Our team understands the stress of moving, especially for students, and is dedicated to offering personalized and efficient solutions for every unique situation.

2. Full Range of Moving Services

Whether you’re moving to a dormitory, an apartment, or a shared house, our comprehensive moving services cater to all needs. These services include:

  • Packing and Unpacking Services: Our team is trained to pack your items efficiently and safely, using high-quality packing materials. We also provide unpacking services to help you settle into your new place as quickly as possible.
  • Storage Solutions: If you have items that you won’t need immediately in your new home, we offer secure and affordable storage options. Whether you need short-term or long-term storage, we have you covered.
  • Specialty Moves: Have items that require special care? No problem. We are experienced in moving delicate items such as musical instruments, artwork, or electronics.

3. Competitive Pricing

We understand that, as a student, budgeting is crucial. That’s why we offer competitive pricing without compromising the quality of our services. We provide transparent quotes with no hidden fees, so you can plan your move with confidence.

4. Local Knowledge

Being a local mover in New York City, we have an in-depth understanding of the city’s neighborhoods, regulations, traffic patterns, and parking rules. This knowledge enables us to execute your move efficiently and avoid potential hiccups.

5. Sustainability

At NYLM, we care about our environment. We use eco-friendly packing materials wherever possible and have strategies in place to minimize waste during the moving process. By choosing our services, you’ll be making a greener choice.

6. Excellent Customer Service

We pride ourselves on our outstanding customer service. From the moment you get in touch with us to the time your move is completed, our dedicated customer support team is available to answer your questions, provide updates, and ensure your move goes as smoothly as possible.


Moving day doesn’t have to be daunting, especially for students who already have plenty of other things to worry about. With proper planning and organization, your moving day can be an exciting and enjoyable milestone in your life.

Creating a checklist, labeling your boxes, making sure you’ve got comfortable clothes on, staying hydrated, and managing all the other tips mentioned in this article will certainly make your move more manageable and less stressful.

Don’t forget, if you need professional help, New York Local Movers (NYLM) is always ready to assist. Our team of experts is just a phone call away, ready to take the stress out of your move. We offer a full range of moving services designed to meet your specific needs and budget.

Contact us today and make your next move your best move!


What should I do a week before moving?

A week before moving, you should finalize your packing. Make sure you have all your boxes labeled and ready to go. Also, confirm your moving date and time with your movers. If you’re moving to student accommodation, double-check all arrangements with the housing office or your landlord.

How can I make packing more efficient?

To make packing more efficient, categorize your belongings according to their usage and the room they belong to. Pack similar items together, and always label your boxes. Don’t forget to pack an “essentials” box with items you’ll need immediately after the move.

Should I hire professional movers or do it myself?

The answer depends on the size of your move, your budget, and how much time and effort you’re willing to put in. Hiring professional movers like New York Local Movers (NYLM) can take a lot of stress out of the moving process, but it does come at a cost. Consider your individual needs and circumstances before deciding.

How can I protect my fragile items during the move?

To protect your fragile items, wrap them individually in packing paper or bubble wrap. Place these items in a box with sufficient padding and mark the box as “Fragile.” If you’re unsure, consider seeking professional help.

What should I do if I have too many items to move?

If you have too many items to move, consider decluttering. Sell or donate items you no longer need or use. If there are items you want to keep but don’t need immediately, consider using storage solutions.

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